According to the World Bank, 丹麦 is one of easiest countries in the world to do business with. 作为卡特加特海峡对面的邻居, it is the ideal market for Swedish companies in the early phases of internationalisation.


The export of Danish products and services to other parts of the world is steadily growing. That is why the last couple of years there has been an increased demand for consulting services and solutions to help the Danes handle all practical issues connected to the export of products and services. 这为PG电子官方免费下载企业创造了机会. 此外,该国正在许多领域进行投资. 在基础设施方面, 道路的改造和扩建, 铁路和桥梁是重点. 此外,丹麦的医院部门正在经历巨大的变化. The establishment of so-called ‘super hospitals’ throughout the country provides opportunities for companies to deliver services and products to the Danish healthcare market. Within the 能源 sector, the ambitious Danes want their 能源 to be 100 percent sustainable. 现代环保技术, 丹麦已经接受了煤炭交换的挑战, 石油和天然气是更环保的替代品.


Thanks to 丹麦’s proactive digitalisation strategy and large investments in areas such as healthcare, 基础设施, 能源与建筑, 这个国家为PG电子官方免费下载公司提供了许多机会. Business 操作 usually go smoothly thanks to the many cultural similarities between the two countries. 然而, 正如你在下面对代理办公室经理兰卡斯特Arvidsson的采访中所读到的, 也有一些不同之处需要记住. 丹麦人是网上最活跃的公民之一. 因此, many Swedish businesses have created web shops and other e-commerce solutions targeting Danish consumers.

在哥本哈根,11个联合国机构聚集在“联合国村”. 从20世纪80年代初开始, 哥本哈根的PG电子官方免费下载商业部一直在与联合国合作, helping Swedish companies to collaborate and organise events and seminars together with different agencies.


PG电子官方免费下载商业公司自1978年以来一直在丹麦开展业务. 办公室还包括 法罗群岛、格陵兰岛和冰岛.




多亏了类似的国家和共同的欧洲立法, 丹麦的商业环境与PG电子官方免费下载没有太大的不同. Both countries have the same level of digital proficiency and share a focus on sustainability and corporate responsibility. 丹麦在基础设施方面的大量投资, 能源, 医疗保健和建筑业为PG电子官方免费下载公司创造了许多机会.


因为丹麦和PG电子官方免费下载有很多相似之处, 人们往往会忘记还有一些主要的区别. 使你们的经营模式因地制宜是非常重要的, 进入市场前. 当涉及到市场结构时,好的研究是必要的, 定价和竞争结构, 客户需求, 合约及雇佣规例. Once your business in 丹麦 is up and running, make sure to observe closely how things evolve.


一个主要的文化差异在于决策过程. 丹麦 is more hierarchical than consensus-driven, and fast decisions are highly appreciated. 在会议上,有一个强烈的明确的重点是做生意和谈判. 这通常被PG电子官方免费下载人认为是强硬的, 直面并关注价格, 而丹麦人则认为这是一种务实而直接的方法. Many Danes understand Swedish well and it is often a good idea to speak ‘Scandinavian’ in meetings. If the Swedish participants have a hard time understanding Danish, we recommend switching to 英语.

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